12월, 2020의 게시물 표시

A Good Example of Scale Trading...!!^^~~~

  2020/12/19   06:50   KST 서울역의 노숙인들 (homeless people at Seoul Station) https://youtu.be/sOIh2uezE6k 2020/12/19   07:30  KST Ace of Base - Wheel of Fortune (Official Music Video) https://youtu.be/qoybSNHMtMY 2020/12/19   07:55  KST OROBLAST is most afraid of these ladies in these days.!!^^~~ TWICE - "CRY FOR ME" (Official Audio) https://blog.naver.com/oroblast/222178295966 2020/12/20   17:25  KST Diversification (finance) -wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diversification_(finance)  Diversification (finance)mean variance analysis - yotube https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=mean+variance+analysis Risk-neutral measure - wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Risk-neutral_measure

Carl Gustav Jung's "Collective Unconscious" Is....

  Carl Gustav Jung's  "Collective Unconscious" Is.... You can find almost  all of humanity's collective unconscious  in libraries and bookstores. Just take only a few of them that are useful  and steadily become conscious of them. You'll be a man of ability  before you know it.^^~~ Of course,  it's not that easy  to become aware of unconsciousness.!!ㅋ..ㅋ!!~~ But  OROBLAST assure you  it's worth the challenge~~^^!! 칼 구스타프 융 의 집단무의식에 대한 잡담... 도서관이나 서점에 가면  인류가 가진 집단무의식의 거의 대부분을 찾아볼 수 있지. 그 중에서 쓸모있는 몇 가지만 가져다가 꾸준하게 의식화 해봐. 너는 어느덧 능력자가 되어 있을거야.!!^^~~ 물론 무의식을 의식화하는 것이 그리 쉽지만은 않아.!!ㅋ..ㅋ!!~~ 그래도 도전해볼 만한 가치가 있다는 것을  꼬라기가 보장하겠어~~^^!! special thanks to PAPAGO https://papago.naver.com/  Billie Eilish - idontwannabeyouanymore (Vertical Video) https://youtu.be/-tn2S3kJlyU

So So... vs. Nice~

  Culturing and eating away...( So So... ) Culturing and selling out...( Nice~ )  Isn't it...!!^^???? Celtic Woman- Believe- Sailing https://youtu.be/qB9pGQVV21k