OROBLAST's interpretation of the suboptimal choice

htt ps://b=log.nav--er.com/orob_ _last/2227912 93664 Go for the second best, with the best... The gap can be a secret weapon. In the short run, it's a little bit disappointing It may be more profitable in the medium and long term. BLACKPINK - 'How You Like That' M/V 조회수 1,111,442,512회 최초 공개: 2020. 6. 26. https://youtu.be/ioNng23DkIM https://youtu.be/ioNng23DkIM https://youtu.be/ioNng23DkIM aespa 에스파 'Black Mamba' MV 조회수 225,999,944회 2020. 11. 17. https://youtu.be/ZeerrnuLi5E https://youtu.be/ZeerrnuLi5E https://youtu.be/ZeerrnuLi5E