11월, 2024의 게시물 표시

100% Discounted Warehouse Release

  https:/ /postfiles.pstatic.ne t/MjAyNDExMjJfMjg3/MDAxNzMyMjUzNDg2MjM1.2mRl17vN8hdJpNeR2QMR9cjG_T1GCOBKroc62vcXvm0g.R4_zpTmyvG7k2grZsWgTX9ZrS3Jm6VTmIL3slFfX4U4g.PNG/%EB%B0%94%ED%83%95%ED%99%94%EB%A9%B4_%EB%B0%B0%EA%B2%BD%ED%99%94%EB%A9%B4_20241122_142922.png?type=w966 2NE1 - I DON'T CARE M/V 2NE1 - 구독자 589만명 조회수 1894만회  14년 전 https://youtu.be/zdZya6yATn0?si=xxZv9augCFw35Da2 https://youtu.be/zdZya6yATn0?si=xxZv9augCFw35Da2 https://youtu.be/zdZya6yATn0?si=xxZv9augCFw35Da2

In the desktop capture image below...The book that someone in the picture on the bottom right is in his hand...CHOICECUS confirms that it is a book of linear algebra.

  In the desktop capture image below...The book that someone in the picture on the bottom right is in his hand... ...CHOICECUS confirms that it is a book of linear algebra. Que sera sera(케세라세라) 💜Doris Day, 한글자막 (HD With Lyrics)🌴🌿🍒🌻🍓 용재천사 - Ailes d'ange TV - 구독자 8.53만명 조회수 6.6만회  2년 전 https://youtu.be/dEWc9KSfiMQ?si=BQBxGjGl6kqEX3Zk https://youtu.be/dEWc9KSfiMQ?si=BQBxGjGl6kqEX3Zk https://youtu.be/dEWc9KSfiMQ?si=BQBxGjGl6kqEX3Zk

Who Are You...~~!!-.-???????????

  h   ttp s:/ /ch  o  ic e   cus.tis  tory.c om/52  2 The Little Mermaid - Poor Unfortunate Souls - 4K Disney ¡Fan! - 구독자 128만명 조회수 111만회  3년 전 https://youtu.be/4t3kQf3lWBs?si=TEqNNDYW27LqfiYc https://youtu.be/4t3kQf3lWBs?si=TEqNNDYW27LqfiYc https://youtu.be/4t3kQf3lWBs?si=TEqNNDYW27LqfiYc