Who am I ...!!^^???


꼬라기's contrastive selection certification-test

ht_tps://cafe.nav er.com/kstat/6 134

Conceptually...For example... Hahaha!!~~


To undergraduates in mathematics and statistics.

Inquiry(enquête, questionnaire) is conducted.

There are two examples presented.

(1) Department of Economics...(Student).

(2) Business Administration (or Management)...(Student).

...well...you can optionally add the following views.

(3) Department of Trade...(Student).

There are two questions.

​1. Trying to seek a companion in life (your another half).

    Where will you go...!!^^??

​2. After 1 year or 6 months, you have to do change your major.

    Which department do you want.!!^^???

어떻게 생각해 - 치즈(CHEEZE) | 1시간 연속 듣기

조회수 79,172회   2019. 10. 18.





  1. https://www.facebook.com/sangchul.choi.102/posts/389382336352257


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Do fill in the boxes ①, ②, ③, ...!!^.-???~~~

a Letter of Self-Introduction of OROBLAST [sample. If you plagiarize, you're in trouble]

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