A Kind of a Psychological Test
In economics or business (management)
or (international) trade, basic and
easy? problem: trouble(a thorn in one's side)
, both of which is not well known...
...I have something about this............./...//....~~!!ㅋ.F!!
That is! That is!! That is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........!...!! ...~~!!-.^!!~~
Purchasing power (parity)
Labor power
.....the relationship between both side.
If you understand what I'm saying...
I'm sure you're already, probably
rotten to the core of this trouble...
Among those who don't know...
If you don't want to be in trouble,
don't look for it......~~!!^.-!!
Trouble Shotting :
PP(P) ○ LP
Try putting an (in)equality sign in the circle
, what you want.
It's a kind of a psychological test....
Recommended (best) answer :
ht t_ _ps://cafe.nav er. com/aior an dro id/1 _3
(Now, this url is not opened)
[MV] Stella Jang(스텔라장) _ Villain(빌런)
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Between Eolssigu(la-di-da) and Eolssu(yoo hoo)...~~!!ㅋ.F!!
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[[ ☜ 쓰좔~떼 없는 짓거리 ☞ ]] 카테고리
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sub-title: What Is Dynamic Equilibrium (in ...)...~~^.^????
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어마어마해 - 모모랜드
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htt p s:/ /you...tu.be/O_4cvQp sm...rQ
ht tps ://y ...outu.be/O_4c vQps ...mr Q
h tt..ps://y...out u.b e/O_ 4cv...Qps..m rQ
2022/10/01 16:15
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