I Don't Want to Think about It............./...//...~~!!ㅋ.F!!


피타고라스의 정리와 

목사님 또는 신부님의 설교 말씀 중에서, 

어떤 것이 보다 더 

신(하느님)의 뜻에 가까울까요.!!^.-???~~

Which is closer 

to God's will than 

Pythagorean theorem or 

the preaching of a pastor or priest.!!^.-??~~


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

[ The Problem That Only You Haven't Solved...!!^.=!!~~ ] Analyze the behavioral (behavior and form) structure of the YouTube-influencer-advertiser complex(temporary name: YIAC) in terms of price differentiation, and name it appropriately.

A Kind of a Psychological Test

An Old Love