He's back.........../...//...~~!!ㅋ.F!!

제목: He's back.........../...//...~~!!ㅋ.F!!

title: 놈이 돌아왔다.........../...//...~~!!ㅋ.F!!


[[ incl. Comments 2 ]] Category... 

☞☞☞ 휴대폰 통화연결음 후보곡 모음...골라!골라!!^^~~ 2024/06/04

ht t  p s  :/ /bl   og.n    a v  er.co  m/o ro   b la st/22 34   692  6 22 50

[MV] Kwak Jin Eon (곽진언)

- My Reflection In My Heart (내 마음에 비친 내 모습) -

My Mister (나의 아저씨) OST Part 7

K N - 구독자 1.58만명

조회수 11만회  6년 전




역지사지.易地思之, 나르시시즘.Narcissism, 그리고.and...


Let's not lend our cell phones to strangers...~~!!ㅋ.g!!

Don't throw it away~~
Do the factory reset right now!!!

Be very careful not to lose your data.

Cheers !!^^!!~~ Thank You : ) http://blog.naver.com/oroblast .... Daily 600 more Hit !
2015. 6. 21. 0:29

According to CHOICECUS' memory, he thinks there were over 100 songs...hahaha!


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

Do fill in the boxes ①, ②, ③, ...!!^.-???~~~

a Letter of Self-Introduction of OROBLAST [sample. If you plagiarize, you're in trouble]

Why I Like My Extraordinary Wife